Factors affecting the shot blasting effect of the shot blasting machine

1. The hardness of the shot blasting machine steel sand: when the hardness of the steel shot and steel sand is higher than that of the part, the change of its hardness value does not affect the shot blasting strength. The power of the shot blasting machine is reduced to the shot blasting strength; when the steel shot and steel grit are softer than the parts, if the shot blasting hardness value decreases, the shot blasting strength also decreases. If the desired effect is not achieved, the power of the shot blasting machine can be appropriately increased. to increase the shot blasting strength.

2. Shot blasting rate: When the shot blasting rate increases, the shot blasting strength also increases, but when the rate is too high, the damage of steel shot and steel sand increases.

3. The size of the shot blasting machine steel grit: The larger the steel shot, the greater the kinetic energy of the blow, and the greater the shot blasting strength. Therefore, when determining the shot blasting strength, we should only choose small steel shot and steel grit, so that the cleaning rate will be relatively increased. The shot blasting size is also limited by the shape of the part. When there is a groove on the part, the diameter of the steel shot and steel grit should be less than half of the inner radius of the groove.

4. Projection angle: When the jet of steel shot and steel sand is perpendicular to the workpiece to be sprayed, the strength of steel shot and steel sand is relatively good, and usually should be kept in this state for shot blasting. If limited by the shape of the parts, when a small angle shot blasting is required, the size and rate of the steel shot and steel grit should be appropriately increased.
